We wrote reflections on the Production we were all involved in.
Here is Izzy's.........
Here is Kobe's..........
All the class completed a reflection using deBono's Thinking Hats. Check them out too.
This is Charlotte's Slideshow Book Review on a book she read.
Hilary's Slideshow Book Review on a book she read.
All the class completed a Book Review on a novel they read. Check them out too.
We have looked at what makes a great documentary. Joyce's work on that....
And this is Travis's work...
Finally for now a couple of examples of some compare and contrast work we did in Inquiry with toys old and new.
Antonio looked at the similarities and differences between pull along caterpillars.
Kayci chose the trucks to compare...
Overall Room 9 have become very adept at using their chromebooks to produce all sorts of work. They are teaching me new skills and tricks every day!
They have also been making Cybersmart Games with James. They will upload their games to their blogs next week.