
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

To End Term One

When Puketapapa Local Board asked for a group of students to complete a survey around Community Wellbeing and Health we were happy to incorporate it into our programme. One, because it was supporting our local community, two it was an opportunity for student voice and three out school overarching Inquiry this year is Hauora - Wellbeing. One of the students chose Mental Health as what she thought was important to focus on and had the idea of writing kind messages and posting them into letter boxes. we thought this was a great idea and decided we would do it as a whole syndicate and post them on Gumboot Friday. The students loved it and we got lovely feedback from the community through phone calls and emails to the school. Here are some of the cards. We are planning another drop for this Friday - Pink Shirt Day. Watch this space.


  1. Your messages of kindness were exceptional Te Waka Ako - you are lucky to have students in your team who have some awesome ideas, and lucky to have fabulous teachers who make events like this happen. Thank you for the efforts you have put into ensuring other people in our community feel safe and well. I have been so impressed that I will create a display of your messages in the corridor outside of my office, so that eveyone who walks through our school, will see your ideas.

  2. That is nice of you to do that I'm shore you made them very happy!

  3. Hi my name is isaac i like the way you have told us what you are toking about and also i like the way you have done sachet a good thing to all the pepeol that got those messages next time could not add as mach photos blog you later
